
Online training platform 


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Online training platform 

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With an online training platform you can educate your participants in an effective and efficient way. Creating an course does not have to be difficult, expensive or complex. In fact, creating digital modules is often easy to accomplish. At least, if you do it right. How? We are here to help you!

How to do online training?

With an online training, digital knowledge transfer takes place with an internet connection. Other words are also online course or e-Learning. The participants need access to a laptop, computer, phone or tablet and an internet connection.

Why online training is better

Years ago, we read books or documentation to broaden our horizons. In order to  really absorb knowledge this way, notes are often made that can be read back later. The power of repetition! A book or a document can of course also be offered online. In this case it will not be more effective than the paper version.

Tip: Focusing solely on online training is possible, but you can also think about combining it with classroom training. This is called blended learning

An online training offers a lot of possibilities and becomes especially effective if it meets several of the following characteristics:

  • Different stimuli: Everyone learns in their own way. Where one person prefers to watch a video, another prefers to read a text. With different stimuli in one online training, you reach all learning types.
  • Variety: We all know the approach of reading a chapter and then doing an assignment. This is not necessarily different with online training, but there is often much more variety possible. Think of reading a text in a digital magazine with images and videos, followed by a case study where people must choose between ‘good, better, best’ answers. Finally, a test takes place in which the participant only succeeds if all answers are correct. This variation ensures that the knowledge is taught and repeated in different ways.
  • Repetition: Above we talked about repetition. The modules in a digital training course can always be consulted online and are available again at any time. In addition, not only the participant can repeat information, but in a training information can be repeated in different forms. Think of a text, a test and a video.
  • Learning at your own pace: with an online training the participants can learn at their own pace. Do they find the material easy? Then they can click through the various modules more quickly. Is the material new and perhaps more challenging? Then it’s no problem if they take a little longer.
  • Learning at your own level: It is possible to let participants learn at their own level. This ensures that there is never too little learning and participants can skip the parts they already know.
    Easy to keep up-to-date: With digital modules it is very easy to update information when something changes. This is not only effective but also efficient!


Online training platform

An online training platform can be divided into two categories:

  • Off-the-shelf online training platform: these are online tools such as GoodHabitz or LinkedIn Learning that offer ready-made courses on general topics such as communication, IT or personal leadership. Ready-to-use modules that allow participants to develop themselves further.
  • Platform to create your own online training: not all knowledge shared in an organization will be available as standard training. For company-specific information, organizations therefore use a platform with which they can develop their own digital training for employees. This is also called an authoring tool. With this software, you can create and offer digital training yourself. Such a tool enables you to transform all the knowledge you want to secure and share into an online training for employees. Think about new product features, safety rules or online onboarding programs.


Fun fact: most off-the-shelf online training platforms use an authoring tool to develop their courses in. So these platforms create their online training courses using the same software that your organization can get started with!  

What does it cost to create an online training course?

The price for an online training course depends on several factors:

Some tools are very simple. The development time will then be limited. Other tools require more time. These are often tools that do not work with predefined templates so you have to place every button, photo or text yourself and test it on different devices. The simpler the tool, the cheaper the development!

If the tool that is used requires a lot of development time, you can actually assume that more resources are needed for the development. This is because graphic, technical and instructional design disciplines must be involved in the entire process: from idea to delivery. However, if the training courses are created in a tool with predefined templates, the Subject Matter Expert can develop training courses on his own without intervention from these disciplines.

So when deciding on the right platform, look not only at the monthly or annual cost but also at the development time and the number of resources for a complete picture.

Save on physical training costs

In addition, in the decision making process it is also good to look not only at the costs but also to the benefits. With online training you save on costs that are made with physical training. Think of the locations, trainers, printed materials, books and travel. It is also more efficient because digitally you can reach an infinite number of people while with a physical course you convey the same information over and over again to a select group of people.

How to develop online training courses?

Before you start with the creation of a learning course, you think about the learning challenge. What should the participant learn, know or being able to do after completing the course? The other steps depend on the online training software you are using. In general you need the content and visuals. Involve the right stakeholders within the organization and don’t forget to test the course on multiple devices. Are you looking for comprehensive tips? In this blog we provide a detailed explanation of developing e-Learning in 9 steps.


FLOWSPARKS is a flexible learning platform with an authoring tool and an LMS (Learning Management System). The authoring tool consists of formats, templates and programs. The formats use one didactic working form to reach a certain learning goal. Moreover, everything looks graphically perfect on any device. In this way, everyone can start sharing knowledge independently, quickly and easily.

Are you interested in developing online training courses? Then schedule a demo with FLOWSPARKS. We’ll be happy to show you how it works.

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