
Create e-Learning X3 faster with FLOWSPARKS AI Co-Author

Struggling to create engaging e-Learning while prioritizing other tasks? You’re not the only one.

Our AI-powered Co-Author is a game changer for content creators  – generating interactive
e-Learning X3 faster while maintaining impeccable quality and sparking your creativity

Book your demo today

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Creating good e-Learning is a full-time job.

Creating good e-Learning is a full-time job. But with the FLOWSPARKS Co-Author, you don’t have to do it full-time because it saves you a lot of time.

Make e-Learning creation easier
and more efficient with AI

Save time on research with AI assistance

Effortlessly combine AI’s knowledge with your own resources from PDFs, Word, PowerPoint, or Excel. Set your learning goals, and let our Co-Author create the first e-Learning draft for you.

 “I can simply add my learning goals in the Co-Author feature, and it uses them to create our Smart templates.” Ashley Wieferink – International L&D Specialist @ Bechtle

Get energized by removing tedious tasks

It’s like having a didactical assistant, taking care of the grunt work while you steer the process. Use the output as a base and refine the content to match your vision. Ask AI to optimize and improve your text and images further. Free up time for more exciting tasks with AI for e-learning.

“While the AI is doing the boring stuff, you can do the exciting projects.” – Martijn van Poppel – Training Coordinator at X2O

Create e-Learning more efficiently with AI-enhanced didactic templates

Unlike using Chat GPT to generate text, our AI Co-Author uses didactical principles to create training content with high-quality images. Choose from 10+ didactic templates and achieve knowledge transfer, contextual learning, self-assessments, and more.

“You can use FLOWSPARKS Co-Author to create questions, answers, and pictures directly in SMART Templates. That’s the most helpful part. Unlike Chat GPT which just creates the text for us. ” Martijn van Poppel – Training Coordinator at X2O

Get your creativity flowing

Finding fresh approaches to e-Learning is hard. Beat writer’s block and spark your creativity using our didactic templates. Get inspired, develop engaging e-Learning content quickly, or swiftly prototype engaging training materials with AI assistance.

FLOWSPARKS Co-Author helps me to be more creative because it’s easier to adapt a generated 
e-Learning than to start from scratch.” Ashley Wieferink – Internation L&D Specialist @ Bechtle

What our Co-Author can create for you

Generate engaging e-Learning content using your preferred Learning formats, Smart templates or Smart programs and AI assistance













What makes our Co-Author special?

More than AI-generated content

But a didactical boost to energize your e-Learning.

AI-based E-Learning without prompting

Our Co-Author does the prompting
for you.

Integrated in your workflow

Use AI directly in your FLOWSPARKS templates.

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If you use Chat GPT you're in a different environment

If you use Chat GPT you’re in a different environment. You need to do a lot of clicking around, and puzzling together to get some text and e-Learning materials done. Using FLOWSPARKS Co-Author it’s a one-way street – you insert your information, and you get an e-Learning course created for you based on that information. It’s way more practical.

Top rated by users, endorsed by industry experts





You too can make the creation of e-Learning
easier and more efficient

Book a demo today and see how our Co-Author can help you make
the know-how-grow with AI