
4 tips to get the best online learning experience


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Written by Indyra Olivier

Customer Success Coach

In the past year, an incredible amount of companies have invested, sometimes headlong, in digitalization. Digitizing training is a logical and necessary step in these times. While many companies are just taking their first steps in the right direction, others are already innovating, realizing things like, “Hey, that simple click-through course isn’t having the desired effect at all!”. As an e-Learning expert, FLOWSPARKS shares 4 tips to get the best online learning experience.

It all sounds nice:

  • Remote onboarding of new employees;
  • Compliance training through e-Learning so you have proof that everyone has attended the training;
  • Employees being able to follow e-Learning at their own pace.

And yet… often employees end up seeing learning as nothing more than a mandatory requirement. What a missed missed opportunity! It’s time to do something about that. Here are 4 tips to get the best online learning experience for your target group!

4 tips to get the best online learning experience


1. Practice first

Many courses kick off with a theoretical section right from the get-go. Sounds logical right? From a didactic perspective, not quite. Let’s look at what actually happens when you’re learning something: you process new information and link it to what you already know. That way, new information gains meaning.

Therefore, you’re better off starting courses with concrete situations and examples. Make sure there are enough links to the participant’s daily practice. After that you can start offering the theory.

Is the training about getting to know the products in a store? Start from a situation where the customer asks a number of questions. Then let the participant choose the correct advice. With feedback on the given answer, the participant immediately learns more!

2. Avoid uniformity

An e-Learning module is often set up as comprehensive as possible. This way, the participant with the least prior knowledge can still follow the training. This can be frustrating for the senior staff of your organization, who already master this information and consider it a waste of time to go through the basics again.

However, there is another way! Digital learning offers many possibilities for a tailor-made program for each type of participant. For example, you can decide beforehand which modules specific participants need to go through.

An even better alternative is an adaptive program using an intake test. Based on the results, the participant receives a personalized program. This allows participants to focus on what they do not yet know.

3. Involve stakeholders

Make sure there is sufficient support. Involve a number of stakeholders in the creation process of your course. Ask them for input or allow them to codevelop. Seems impossible? Well think again!

It’s a good idea to first formulate the content together on paper. With the right tool anyone can create e-Learning. By then fleshing out your e-Learning with genuine topic expertise, it can seamlessly connect to the actual job in the workplace. In addition, you will have more time to follow up on the project at a higher level, and the stakeholders involved will be able to present their created modules within the organization with a sense of pride.

4. Time management

Thinking about a project with a larger scope? Split your online program into different parts, each with their own deadline. Once participants get in the flow of the first part, they will be eager to start with the next one (we can only hope, right? ? ).

Kickstart 2021 with the best online learning experience for your target group

Want to know how Vinçotte, Aggreko and Delhaize put e-Learning into practice? Watch the Webinar ‘Get in the FLOW’ on demand and learn how to ‘Kickstart 2021 with the best online learning experience for your target group’. Click on the button to take a look!

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FLOWSPARKS is a flexible platform with an authoring tool and an LMS. Next to that FLOWSPARKS also offers e-Learning services for the development of learning programs.

Together we create FLOW: Flexible Learning in an Online World. We help clients, people and organizations to grow. By enabling you to provide employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to be the best in their profession. By ‘capturing’ knowledge in online modules and thus securing the knowledge present within the organization