
Digital Learning Day


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Written by Paulien Lobeau

Customer Success Coach

February 23, 2023 is Digital Learning day. This day is dedicated to technology used to enhance student/participant learning experiences. In our daily lives, digital is becoming increasingly important. We are in the midst of digitalization: we see an increasing use of digital devices in society. So the digital aspect is also becoming increasingly important in learning.


What is digital learning?

Digital learning has many different faces, so it is difficult to delineate a single definition. But it is often defined as gaining knowledge and skills through digital technology, e.g., computers, tablets, smart board, smartphone. Again, the form can vary widely depending on the needs. It comes in different forms such as e-Learnings, webinars, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), apps, VR exercises, games, websites, e-books, podcasts,… Which form you choose often depends on the content you want to convey, the target audience and the end goal you want to achieve. The advantage of digital learning is that it offers a lot of flexibility and freedom. You can learn at any place and on any device, at any give time.

What are important features of a digital learning?

FLOWSPARKS’ e-Learnings are a perfect example of digital learning. Within FLOWSPARKS, we have our own definition of an e-Learning, and it includes important features. These are the most important ones:

  • Self-directed: a participant can go through the content independently and does not need an instructor or trainer to understand the content. Thus, the participant is no longer dependent on another person to learn.
  • Digital: learning is available 24/7, anywhere and on any device. So there are no longer any limits to where and when learning can take place.
  • Client specific content: Based on the client’s field of expertise, we build the e-Learning. We do not provide off-the shelf content but give organizations the tools to build the e-Learning themselves. Since the organization builds it itself, it therefore fits the expertise and interests of the participant.
  • Specific goal: we don’t just set up a digital pathway. We want to achieve a certain goal with digital learning. What that goal is varies from organization to organization. For example: providing inspiration for a mountain bike route, creating awareness around the code of conduct, learning to work with certain software, increasing knowledge around safety to reduce the number of accidents on site, … .

Tips on how to implement digital learning

To round this blog up, we want to give you a few tips on implementing digital learning within your organization:

  • Connect to prior knowledge: Examine what participants already know and what they need. Build on this prior knowledge. Optionally, you can set up an adaptive learning path so that each employee feels that the e-Learning is tailored to his/her needs. This will greatly enhance participant motivation.
  • Interaction remains necessary: build interaction into your learning path as well. Have employees finish their e-Learning together, build in moments when people have to discuss or cooperate with each other, activate participants with exercises,… But interaction is also necessary: activate participants with questions, let them click on things, provide reflection questions, … .
  • Part of blended learning: make sure that it is part of a larger learning process. Combine your e-Learnings or digital exercises with real live contact moments or practical exercises. If one can try it again in practice, or talk about it with colleagues, the retention is greater.
  • Variety: Provide variety in your offerings. Provide variety in terms of subject matter but also in terms of form. The larger the offer, the more likely everyone will find something that suits them.

Are you looking to implement digital learning within your organization?

Is your organization looking to implement a digital learning platform? Request your free demo here or share your tips with us on social media by tagging @FLOWSPARKS or using the hashtag #FLOWSPARKS.


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