Livestream from our Degustatiedag in September 2022

Keynote session from Keith Quinn


Keith Quinn

Digital Learning Design & L&D Consultant

Keynote session: How Do You Know If You’re Making A Difference? – Designing for behaviour change

Keith has over 35 years of experience in public services, of which over 25 years have been spent in learning and development in one form or another. Keith has led the development and implementation of learning technologies to support workforce development in government departments and has won a number of awards for this work. He developed his organization’s digital learning design framework, led the development of a range of digital learning resources, and initiated a strategy for using Open Badges to accredit informal learning.

During the Degustatiedag Keith will share his experiences in the session ‘How Do You Know If You’re Making A Difference? – Designing for behaviour change’.



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Who are we?

Successful online learning is about more than simply developing e-Learning. With a team of more than 50, we have been supporting clients for more than 25 years. From determining learning objectives to successfully rolling out complete online learning programs. We operate from our branches in Belgium and the Netherlands and through our international reseller network and together, we will make online learning a success!

What do we do?

FLOWSPARKS provides e-Learning services and assists in the development of online learning programs. Do you have a preference for a specific tool? No problem!

Prefer to develop e-Learning yourself? Then use our flexible learning platform FLOWSPARKS. The platform is an in-house development and contains the true ‘brains’ of our e-Learning specialists, allowing everyone to make e-Learning solutions themselves.