

Onboarding process became a lot more varied

With two million customers, Luminus is one of the largest players in the energy market in Belgium. The company produces electricity and also distributes gas. Luminus is the number 1 in onshore wind and hydro energy and is constantly focusing on ‘green’ electricity.

Their mission is to reduce energy consumption for customers by providing innovative, energy-efficient services. More than 2,000 employees are committed every day. Luminus is part of the EDF Group, one of the world leaders in the energy production and distribution segment.

Testing, coaching and certification

Luminus immediately tests the new acquired knowledge in practical exercises. ‘That’s a big plus, because we didn’t have good testing capabilities before,’ Tom testifies. Participants now undergo digital training at their own pace, followed by a short test or a live Q & A with the trainer.

This allows Luminus to certify employees who have completed the onboarding process via the authoring tool. ‘This is quite useful for our helpdesk employees, for example, because they work in call centers spread all over Europe.’ Those who do not achieve 80 percent must go through the training again and may take the test again.

The feedback from the employees using FLOWSPARKS is nothing short of positive. ‘The training courses are more varied because we can easily vary different Learning Formats. And for trainers, blended learning is much less onerous. Where we used to spend two weeks in the classroom, we now have more time for coaching, individual guidance, feedback, etc.’.

‘We notice that there are even colleagues who follow the online training sessions at home in the evening because of busy schedules.’

And what does Tom think is the most important change since the advent of FLOWSPARKS as an authoring tool? ‘By using FLOWSPARKS to switch to blended learning trajectories and at the same time to consider which information is essential for new employees and which is not, we have reduced our onboarding process from two working weeks to just seven days.’



The energy sector is a complex sector that is constantly changing and where new technologies and regulations are constantly being developed. ‘All this information is available to us mainly via a very large data bank,’ says Tom Vanhoyland. Tom is a Knowledge & Learning Trainer at Luminus and is mainly involved in training hard skills with first- and second-line helpdesk employees. ‘Before the arrival of FLOWSPARKS, we trained employees using separate PowerPoint presentations.’ The e-Learning modules built in FLOWSPARKS are, as it were, building blocks that are also linked to our LMS ‘Docebo’.

Luminus not only struggled with a lot of knowledge that employees have to process, but on top of that there were many trainers who applied everything in their own way in a classroom setting. The Knowledge & Learning Department therefore had no control over how the knowledge reached the employees. ‘The long presentations were boring. And typical of classroom teaching is that the slowest in the group sets the pace.’ The large amount of information and the sometimes slow pace meant that the onboarding of new colleagues took two weeks. This had to be improved and a blended learning process with FLOWSPARKS would ensure this.

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Our training courses are much more varied

Our training courses are much more varied than before because we can easily vary different Learning Formats.

FLOWSPARKS in practice

The onboarding process of new colleagues was digitized with FLOWSPARKS as a pilot project. ‘This was very fortunate: the timing couldn’t have been better because we had just started this when coronavirus broke out. Our onboarding could suddenly be done remotely,’ says Tom. ‘And with FLOWSPARKS, we are sure of the uniformity of our training courses. We know for sure that every teacher tells the same story and that the training is up-to-date, because when we make adjustments now, they are live immediately.’

Luminus uses CROSSROADS for onboarding. This allows them to offer a personalized process, in which new colleagues choose the order in which they start topics and complete the onboarding at their own pace. CROSSROADS is also the ideal way to combine Templates and Formats. ‘Because FLOWSPARKS is so accessible and easy to use, as a trainer you can be very creative, without needing a large amount of technical equipment,’ says Tom.

‘SMARTPAGES, for example, are great for telling a story. With SMARTMAGAZINES you can publish information in a very attractive way – as if on a magazine’s content page – provided that you have enough photo and/or video material to present it attractively,’ he continues. ‘At the beginning of each course, we show the course to be completed using the Learning Format SMARTPAGES, so that participants know what to expect. With the handy accordion function, the participant can click open a window without any obligation if he or she wants more information.’