‘In the meantime, this adds up to 500 ongoing learning paths that I’m managing together with my colleague Jochen. That involves a lot of work, and we really have tried everything in the past: PowerPoint, Word with photos, and other tools that often work very well, but which are usually very time-consuming and labour-intensive. If you know that creating a ten minute e-Learning module takes several days, you realise that two Full Time Equivalents simply isn’t enough. This is especially true because in recent years everything has had to go so much faster in a rapidly-changing market where content is constantly being adapted.
The training courses had to be created more quickly, and they had to be shorter as well. For BOSS paints/colora, this was a sign to change our approach to training. Enter FLOWSPARKS, just when BOSS had developed a new type of interior wall paint and everyone had to be trained in it.
‘We got started in January 2020, and after three weeks we had already completed our first e-Learning modules,’ explains Jochen Phlypo, Technical Content Writer at BOSS paints. ‘We create training courses for 500 people, always in Dutch and French, so that’s a lot of work, but in a good five months we have already managed to create 45 e-Learning modules with FLOWSPARKS. This includes general information about our products as well as sales training for our colora employees.’
BOSS paints/colora develops the sales modules based on specific cases encountered in the shops. For example, what do you do when a customer requests a product that is no longer on offer? A short video illustrating this situation is shown in FLOWSPARKS. The three answer options are then presented in the video and the participant chooses the best option. He or she receives immediate feedback on his or her choice and an explanation of how best to react and why.