Training courses are also organized in the same hybrid manner. Until 2018, these were still entirely classroom-based. ‘Then we started to think about what and who we want to be as an organization and what we need for that,’ says Jennemie Driesens, Talent Expert at Arvesta. ‘Arvesta wants to be a learning organization, an inspiring workplace where employees can work happily, comfortably and in a motivated way. We want to have strong in-house leaders, attract young graduates and allow people to grow. Instead of a job, we offer our people a career.’
At Arvesta, they believe that working and learning go hand in hand. Employees can work and learn at the same time, online or offline, in the field or by themselves, any time and anywhere.
To put this principle into practice, Arvesta Academy was created. It’s based on three pillars. The first pillar is an open offer: these are freely chosen training courses that focus on generic skills. Under this pillar, Arvesta offers its people an online learning platform with over 120 inspiring courses. Secondly, there are job-specific training programs offering courses on leadership, sales, project management and the like. Finally, there are all the customized training courses; Arvesta looks for a high-quality solution to every learning question.
Knowledge of Arvesta
‘So it’s great in terms of the range of training offered,’ Jennemie Driesens continues. ‘However, after a series of business interviews, we noticed that the knowledge of activities and processes at Arvesta was rather limited in documentation and that little is shared within the organization in a structured manner,’ she says.